Child Support Attorney

Child support reflects the fundamental legal obligation of parents to provide for their children. When parents separate or divorce, allocating that financial obligation between the two can be a challenging task.
How Is Child Support Calculated?
Like many other states, Virginia uses guidelines for calculating child support. The presumptive amount of a child support obligation under the guidelines is based on each parent’s income, the children’s needs and the custody arrangement — whether joint, split or sole custody.
However, the court does not always award child support in the amount indicated under the guidelines. It can deviate from the presumptive award when special considerations come into play.
Obtain A Detailed Analysis Of Your Situation
At the law firm of Ryland & Merchak, PC, we can help you assess both the presumptive amount of support under the guidelines as well as factors that might result in a deviation. We will examine the unique circumstances of your situation, exploring such questions as:
- What was the child’s standard of living during the marriage?
- What is each parent contributing to the child’s health care insurance, life insurance and other benefits?
- Is one parent unemployed or underemployed with regard to his or her earning capacity?
- Does the child have special needs or medical issues?
- What are the tax implications?
We handle initial determinations as well as child support modifications. Our goal is to help you obtain an outcome that is fair and reasonable for your situation.
Unwavering Advocacy Rooted In Extensive Experience
Child support decisions can quickly become complicated, particularly when one parent is self-employed or underemployed. Experience in this highly technical area of law is critical for success.
At our firm, attorney Sally Hook Merchak is a veteran practitioner in the family law field. She has nearly 40 years of experience handling all types of child support cases. Equipped with excellent trial and negotiation skills, she can protect your interests through vigorous advocacy both inside and outside the courtroom.
We invite you to arrange a confidential consultation by contacting our office at 703-496-5273. Based in Woodbridge, our lawyer handles child support cases across Northern Virginia.